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2024 Sale Page
All babies will be registerable through ADGA and some also will be able to be double registered with AGS as well. Wethers are not eligable for registration but are tattooed. All will be up to date on vaccinations, disbudding/banding at my expense. We have a clean, closed herd. Kids are given Coccidia prevention and are handled and played with daily. These are FRIENDLY babies that you won't have to tame when you get home! I reserve the right to refuse sales to buyers as I see fit. My animals and their wellbeing are my first priority. CLICK PHOTO FOR MORE INFO ON EACH BABY.
If there is a DEPOSIT RECEIVED icon, that baby is reserved and no longer available.

Zoey - Polled doeling
Lucy Doeling AGDA & AGS registerable Polled 3-26-24

Tucker - Disbudded buckling
Libby Buckling (Dk. Blue) ADGA registerable Disbudded 4/9 3-24-24

Belle buckling ADGA registerable Polled 3-28-24

Seger - Polled Buckling
Lucy Buckling ADGA & AGS registerable Polled with Blue Eyes 3-26-24

Pepper - Doeling (Red)
DEPOSIT RECEIVED Bonnie doeling Blue eyes Disbudded 4/9 Born 3-25-24

Zipper - Polled Bucklilng
Libby Buckling (Purple) ADGA registerable Polled 3-24-24

Macaroni - Buckling
Bonnie Buckling Brown eyes Disbudded 4/9 3-25-24

June Bug - doeling
Lilly Doeling Brown eyes Polled 3-22-24

Johnny - Buckling
Lily Buckling Blue eyes Polled 3-22-24

Whiskey - polled buckling
Libby Buckling (Lt. Blue) Polled 3-24-24

Sparrow - Belle (Pink)
Belle doeling (Pink) Polled 3-28-24
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